拖延症英语作文200字?例文:拖延症Procrastination Recently, procrastination has been brought to public focus because of a song which gives a very proper description of it.最近,拖延因为一首歌成了公众关注的焦点。这首歌很确切的描述了拖延。那么,拖延症英语作文200字?一起来了解一下吧。


"My biggest problem"这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写:









Title: My biggest problem

My biggest problem is time management. As a student, I always have a lot of things to do, such as attending classes, doing homework, and participating in extracurricular activities. However, I often find myself wasting time on social media or playing games. This not only affects my academic performance but also causes me to feel stressed and anxious.

To solve this problem, I have tried various methods. First, I made a schedule for myself to organize my time better. Second, I set specific goals for each day and prioritize my tasks accordingly. Third, I limit my use of social media and games by setting a time limit.

Although these methods have been effective to some extent, I still struggle with time management from time to time. Therefore, I will continue to explore new ways to improve my time management skills.

Difficult words:

1. Extracurricular (adjective) - outside the regular curriculum; 非课程活动的

2. Prioritize (verb) - to arrange or deal with in order of importance; 按重要性排序

3. Limit (verb) - to restrict or reduce something to a certain amount or number; 限制







作业拖延症英语作文:I had procrastination in elementary school. In elementary school, my homework was not large and simple, so my procrastination started at that time.

As I got older, my procrastination became more and more obvious. I started to save difficult questions.

In the end, I finished the questions and only the difficult problems were left, but I didn't know how to do it. As a result, one day has passed and my homework is still not finished.

My procrastination is not just not being able to finish or not, but also my learning efficiency.

When I was doing my homework, I soon felt a stomachache, so I went to the toilet, and it took half an hour to go to the toilet.

I obviously don’t want to write an essay. I drink a sip of water later, go to the toilet later, eat a snack later... I should have finished writing essays in half an hour, but I will do this for a while, and then for a while, time slips away like this Up.

Because of procrastination, I have to write my homework until ten o'clock every day. I have to be criticized by my mother, saying that I write slowly, I am also very sad, and my mother is also angry.

So, from now on, I want to preview tomorrow’s homework and do the homework first, so that I can finish the homework quickly and write the correct homework tomorrow, and make full preparations.

I believe that as long as I can take something seriously, my procrastination will be cured!





Due to the change of life style, children are always under the protection or "supervision" of teachers and parents.

How many of their personalities are a little "not worried", plus people are lazy.


The reason why many children have a problem is called "procrastination".


To provide a suitable space for children to learn. Let the children do business in the living room.

As a result,the father is lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.




Due to the change of life style, children are always under the protection or "supervision" of teachers and parents.

How many of their personalities are a little "not worried", plus people are lazy.


The reason why many children have a problem is called "procrastination".


To provide a suitable space for children to learn. Let the children do business in the living room.

As a result,the father is lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.



Procrastinating could easily be the sweetest thing in the world, if deadlines did not exist. With a mountain-like load of work waiting to crush you under its weight, you cannot afford to waste time. Here are some simple steps that will help keep you focused during the day.


Evaluate Your Actions

1. Evaluate Your Actions


The first step to correct your procrastinating tendencies is toascertainthe activities that tempt you to distraction. Do you check your email more than often? Do you spendyour productive office hours aimlessly surfing the web? Do you spend too much timedoodlingwhen you should be writing? Once you know your evils, you will find theinitiativeto keep away from these activities.



以上就是拖延症英语作文200字的全部内容,Surround yourself with doers: It's healthy for a chronic procrastinator to surround herself with people who are likely to do things. It'll be a good influence on those with a tendency to delay tasks.和有执行力的人在一起:对拖延症患者来说,和愿意做事的人多相处是很有裨益的。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。