
my house英语作文全文


以my house为题英语作文

Today, people are under great pressure, they are busy with work, to make more money, they have to do what the boss ask them do to, even they don’t want to. There is how pressure coming. We need to relax ourselves, we are young, don’t live like that we are over 50. We should get ourselves out of the pressure.

myhouse英语作文100字,my home英语作文七年级下册

my house六年级英语作文

My house
Hello, my name is Zhu Lie. I live in a new house now. There are three bedrooms, a sitting room,a bathroom, a study, a kitchen, a bright dining room and a large garden. Now, let's go to my bedroom. It's small but bright. There is a picture on the wall. Under the window, there's a desk. I often do my homework there.You can see a lamp and a lot of books on my desk.At desk,is a commuter. Beside the disk, there is a bed.There are some lovely dolls on it. Near the bed, there is a bookcase. I lke my beautiful bedroom very much.

myhouse英语作文100字,my home英语作文七年级下册

my house英语作文简单

my home
Thereisa riveinfrontofmyhouse.Therearesomefishintheriver.therearethreeappletreesintheback ,manybirdsareofteninthetrees 。 On the first floor,there's a sitting room, there is a television in the room。IoftenwatchTV in the living room。 In the second floor istudy and there are two bedrooms

英语作文《mg house》

my house is very beautiful and big . lt has two floors .there are a living room and a kitchen and a dining room in the first fioor . my family often watch tv toghether in theliving . there are twobedrooms and a study room in the second fioor . l often play computer in the study room .l love my house very much ! 开头字母要大写 自己写的时候记得改过来咯

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