节约资源英语作文100字?Let us all act it. Protection of our resources to achieve sustainable development. Our planet will become more suitable for human habitation.翻译:节约资源 如今,地球上的人口增长很快,而资源却越来越少。那么,节约资源英语作文100字?一起来了解一下吧。


We live on the earth and depend on many kinds of natural resources. But these resources are very limited so we should try to save them. For example, in our daily life we should turn off the tap when we finish using water. Don't have the water running when we wash face or brush teeth. Besides ,we should make proper use of paper. We should write on both sides and we had better send our used books to the junior students. In that case we can save many trees.And then we should form a good habit of saving electricty . Remember to turn off lights when we leave. Don't turn on lights unless it is too dark. Finally we should ride bikes instead of by bus or by cars to save gas. I think only in that way can we have more natural resources for the future use.



Conserve Our Resources

For tens of thousands of years, people live on the resources provided by the nature. We eat, drink, shelter, and dress on natural ingredients, and even breathe the natural air to survive. Along with the industrial revolution, we consume more and more material, such as minerals, from coal to oil, to gas, and various ores. Now it is the time to think further. It is the time for us to conserve resources.

Most of these natural resources are un-renewable. Constant consuming can heavily drain them, and even use-up them. This will undermine the further development of our industry and economy. It will also leave a barren and lifeless land for our descendents. In other words, it is irresponsible act if we do not conserve the resources.

Along with the process of consuming resources, there were large amount of wastes being produced. It is not only damaging the environment but also damaging our health, which directly influenced the quality of human beings and other living things. This is also unfair to our future generations as we consumed everything and left only a world of rubbish for them.

Therefore, the most urgent action we shall take immediately is to call upon all nations to work on resource conservation, so that a brighter future is enabled.


以下是英文写作翻译凳源御频道为大家整理的《关于节约的英语作文带翻译:节约水电》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站写作翻译频We live in the earth which is surrounded by the water, water is very important to people’s lives, no one can live without water. Electricity is also important, we can see in the night and so many things we use must work with electricity. Water and electricity are precious resources, we should save them and use them in recycle. Saving these precious resources makes a contribution to people.





Tree-planting Day is coming !Why not go and plant trees ?

Trees are the oldest living things on Earth .They can clean the air and make our city more beautiful .They can also provide us with a lot of useful things .However ,people cut down many trees .Now there are fewer and fewer trees in the world .Trees are in danger .So we should care more about trees and plant more tree.

To help protect our environment ,we need more people to join us !Let’s go and plant trees !

Trees are our friend .







无铅液 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的节约粮食的英语作文:节约资源 保护地球,供大家参考:)


Resources are not inexhaustible, be inexhaustible,, some can rely on labor, created, again some, but you can not save. The earth, nor can damage. In the twenty-first Century, science and technology take off in this century, the factory, car,...... The pollution of the earth "demon."


以上就是节约资源英语作文100字的全部内容,节约用水的重要性 导言:水是地球上维持生命的宝贵资源。我们必须理解节约用水的重要性,并养成勤俭节约水资源的习惯。正文:1. 有限的水资源供应:水是有限的资源,地球上的淡水资源非常有限。随着人口增长和用水需求增加,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。