共享经济英语作文300字?共享单车Bike-sharing 小黄车 Yellow-framed bike 橙色车 Orange-wheeled bike 小蓝车 Bluegogo 如火如荼In full swing 色彩鲜艳 Brightly coloured 环保的Environment-friendly 科技、创意、那么,共享经济英语作文300字?一起来了解一下吧。



共享单车利与弊作文英文 篇1

The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofobring great convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart phone. They can take you where the subway and bus don’t go. And they can be left anywhere in public for the next user.

However, bad things happen. Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which causes trouble toother users.

In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short time. Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do something. For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their actions. Also, because people use their real name toregisteras a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’spersonal credit.

In the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public services.

共享单车利与弊作文英文 篇2

With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problemscaused bybicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time forpeople. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt thatsuch behavior is very dangerous. What's more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle sharing. It isobviouslyhelpful to human beings as a high-tech product. The government should introduce relevant provisionsto regulatethis market to avoid its disadvantages.

共享单车利与弊作文英文 篇3

It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming China's traffic-clogged cities.



共享经济的优点和缺点英语:Advantages and disadvantages of the sharing economy

1.The point about VAT,aswehavesaidallalong,isthat[thecut]willrun forayear,soitistooearlytojudgethe effect ithashad.


2.Likeanyotherformofrevenueraising,theinflationtaxmustbejudgedon itsmerits.


3.Manymethodsandmarkershavebeenusedin thediagnosisofmalignantpleuraleffusion,withdifferentadvantagesanddisadvantages.


4.Asyouknow,takingyourtimebeforemakingadecisionisalwaysyourbestbet-- but that goesdoublenow.















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Shared cycling refers to the enterprises and government cooperation, subway stations, bus stops, in the campus, residential, commercial, public service provide bicycle bike sharing service, is a kind of new form of Shared economy.

Since the end of 2016, domestic sharing of bicycles has suddenly become popular, and recently a mobile phone screen shot up the Internet. In this screenshot, the 24 ICONS of Shared cycling apps are full of mobile phone screens, and it's really "a graphic illustration of the fierce competition for sharing bikes". And in the streets, as if overnight, the sharing of bicycles has reached the point of "overflow", with all the city's streets lined with different colors of bicycles.

As a short distance travel tool, it also helps the construction of the city "slow traffic" system. Tie-in walk or bus, subway and other modes of transport, share the bike can be used as a change to the feeder, the citizens of this not only saved travel cost, also on low carbon, green and sustainable development of city has not to be ignored. However, there are a series of problems, such as the operation, parking, maintenance and other problems. Some bike users lack the sense of responsibility, the station in the city, the rail transit site and other transportation hubs, as well as schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other personnel strong liquidity, high intensity area around the park bicycle parking area, to illegal use of public resources, instead of the new urban traffic congestion.



以上就是共享经济英语作文300字的全部内容,共享单车的利与弊的英语作文 诞生一年后,共享单车将告别野蛮增长,迎来严监管阶段。交通部日前发布的《指导意见》要求,共享单车平台实行实名制注册、使用,并规范对用户在骑行、停放等方面的要求。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。