骂人的英语作文800字?英语骂人的作文 不好意思,我要让你失望了。这篇文章,我不想写骂人的。因为,我相信多数人都是善良的,如羊走迷。但是,千万记住,福音也并不是随便什么人都可以传的。不要去骂别人,因为,这样你的人生不会有长进。那么,骂人的英语作文800字?一起来了解一下吧。


I believe that,in this world,in addition to the dead,the baby and the dumb mouth can't do,not open his mouth

Smart people,also called not is not scold,the more not scold and not cursed or being scold and didn't scold

Man,this shows,"call names" involves the broad scope,scold.The reasons for this is Lin Lin always,but on the whole,the most fundamental or damage to the call names who itself

The benefits for,then,had to in the heart of things other people or fiction has also suffered misfortune to balance himself

Psychological,therefore,will extend a the swearing.




Gossip always around with me,I am a small potato,and a happy guy.When I was a little girl,some boys have got the good favour of me.But I don't like talk their more.So many boys think about me wasn't a very easy going guy,but actually not.But I also don't know how to modest and gentle.So at that time,have some gossip,but doesn't have more.


When I went to the High school,not too much boys like me.I also was a arrogant girl.I don't like talk somebody more,and I looks like not a easy going guy.I just like good learner students and a less friends.And I like a boy,he is very tall,have got the good figure,his voice was very well,but long long year ago,I know I just have got a good favour of him.And at that time he has got a girl friend,but I don't know,I think he is a single,because we are just high school students.So at the same time,he told me he has got a girl friend.I never think about that he will have got a girl friend.But it's truth.And later,went to the unviersity entered examination coming,I have got a big pressure,our teacher always say,studied more,if you weren't a good learner you will haven't got a good job,I have got the big spirit pressure,so my study doesn't very good,the law scores at the end.And I just went to the social to do the work,studied English later.My ex good favour boy is coming,because me English study was good,and he was curious of me,and my life.Because he also is a young boy,donesn't have many muture,and I know he has got the girl friend,so I think that I don't want to love him,never.So at that time,the gossip just surround of me,and in the enter examination time,also I got the big pressure,so I was close to two boys,and they also have got a girlfriend.Actually,I just have got the studied big pressure,I want to be a reduce a less.So at that time,gossip never left of me.Some envy,some trouble always surround of me.










fuck your mother every day. in the morning on the tree


I believe that, in this world, in addition to the dead, the baby and the dumb mouth can't do, not open his mouth

Smart people, also called not is not scold, the more not scold and not cursed or being scold and didn't scold

Man, this shows, "call names" involves the broad scope, scold...... The reasons for this is Lin Lin always, but on the whole, the most fundamental or damage to the call names who itself

The benefits for, then, had to in the heart of things other people or fiction has also suffered misfortune to balance himself

Psychological, therefore, will extend a the swearing.






以上就是骂人的英语作文800字的全部内容,勿忘师恩,你可以永远不去看她,但是,你不能够忘记,她毕竟曾经做过你的老师。教育孩子共三点,学会吃亏,吃苦,忍耐(隐忍)到底! 这样子的孩子长大以后才会有很好的抗挫折能力,人生不过是赛翁失马,焉知非福。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。