第一次学英语作文200字?学英语作文1 我的英语课上不错的,一会到家就开始读英语了。外婆扯了扯我的衣服,说:“什么缩死啊!“外婆啊!这不是中文,这是英文啊!”“孙女,那你教教我呗!”“嗯……那好吧!”“先从最简单的开始!”“Yes”,“也死!”“不对不对!是Yes。”“是也死啊!不对吗?”外婆抓了抓头发。“换一个,canada。那么,第一次学英语作文200字?一起来了解一下吧。



我迅速上了自己的座位,紧接着老师也走进了课堂。只见她戴着眼镜,穿着一件毛衣,个子不高,却很有精神。英语老师和蔼的说:“我姓朱……”然后就开始讲课了。讲的第一句就是“How do you go to school?”因为我比较小、很少接触英语,所以听不懂。我就问:“老师你讲的是什么意思?请给我说一下。”还没等我坐下,同学们就开始笑我,顿时我的脸就烫了起来。




My first time In our life there are many for the first time, the first wash the red scarf, for the first time in their street, for the first time myself to sleep for the first time ... ... I also have for the first time, and many, many, the most memorable was the first time I washed a red scarf. At noon that day, I think of it not washing his red scarf, so I wanted to call her grandmother to help me wash me, I entered the room, heard a slight grunt Grandma, I know that Grandma was asleep, I thought: Grandma morning that a lot of clothes washed, but I fot to red scarf to her grandmother, now known as Grandma and then take it to wash, not to mention her grandmother were asleep, I called her up, wash clothes very tired the morning Grandma , it is better to wash this scarf I own it! Yeah, so, went ahead. I took my red scarf to the side of the pond open the water tap to wet red scarf, red scarf on and rub in with the detergent can not rub the bubble, I again rubbed the soap and wipe the red scarf, and useful to the brush in the red scarf on the brush and brush, then rub the rub, and then washed with water useful in clean, dry and sun screwed up. Washing red scarf I was excited and immediately ran to the room, I have to wait for grandma woke up and told her to wash my red scarf. Grandma finally woke up, I am pleased to tell his grandmother to wash the red scarf, and her grandmother is also very happy to say: "Go look at me" I am glad to put my grandmother pulled edge of a pool, "Look!" Red Scarf water Lingling, in sunlight, it is particularly crystal, like the glistening sun. Grandma laughed, I am puzzled that asked: "how not clean?" "Washed, cleaned, and just a little wrong," "what point." "Washing clothes, pants with socks to wash pull it when finished, Dou Yidou that again until after the whole will not wrinkle. "heard this, I know the error and immediately won the red scarf, red a little, then pull on the pull, shake and shake until the sun back, my grandmother met a happy laugh. This is the first time in life, there are many for the first time in life, sometimes successfully, sometimes difficult, but we have to take it to the bright side, so that your life will be more colorful. 中文 我的第一次 在我们人生中有好多第一次,第一次洗红领巾,第一次自己上街,第一次自己睡觉,第一次…… 我也有第一次,而且很多很多,最让我难忘的就是第一次洗红领巾。


I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red.Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends












Two grade next semester, the teacher told us, grade 3 to learn English. Mother afraid I couldn't follow him, he adopted the early bird catches the worm. Abcd... These English letters I had back ground, but ripe melon disorderly as difficult as surrounded by mountains. Only one mind, English is difficult to learn.

School begins, I was exhausted walk on the road, at school, I do in his seat, the students of the scenery of the instrument, what I feel they are like my point.

以上就是第一次学英语作文200字的全部内容,讲的第一句就是“How do you go to school?”因为我比较小、很少接触英语,所以听不懂。我就问:“老师你讲的是什么意思?请给我说一下。”还没等我坐下,同学们就开始笑我,顿时我的脸就烫了起来。老师走过来安慰道:“你很勇敢!不过上课可要认真听哦。刚才我讲的意思是你怎么去上学的。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。