介绍李白的英语作文100字?My favorite poet is Li Bai.我最喜欢的诗人是李白。Li Bai has a legendary life, and his life can be summed up in one sentence: a poem, a pot of wine, a Long song, and a sword!李白有着传奇的一生,他的生活可用一句话来概括:一首诗,一壶酒,一曲长歌,一剑天涯!那么,介绍李白的英语作文100字?一起来了解一下吧。



The great poet li bai, I want to friends, no one can say is known, no one knows all don't know, li bai is an ancient time of the most famous poet, his poetry by many people look up to, from which, we left by the culture in li bai learned many worth us to collect and mining, whether before or, now, we have studied poetry to most of li bai and left over from psalm, if without ever li bai the old man left the ancient culture of poetry, in the real world, we also can't see the old man's li bai once all the great performance, for a great poetry creation, we respect him, who admires him



Li Bai was a romantic poet in Chinese history.He was born in Tang dynasty.He had written a lot of poems and some of them were famous until now.Even children can recite his poems 字数有限,参考下


Li bai was born in tang dynasty, hours Hou Congying, but is very naughty. On one occasion, he ran out of the school came to the river, saw an old lady was again with iron pestle needle, li bai was surprised, "how is this possible?" "As long as kung fu deep, iron pestle ground into a needle" grandma's words made li bai suddenly enlighted, vigorous study finally.

Li bai's efforts the other I admire, his character is worth me to learn more. He during an official shame and flattery, not marginalised, angry still chose to leave. At the same time wrote "Ann can bow and scrape shi dignitaries as their agents, that I be not happy yan" of a sentence.

Li bai's poems you have rich feelings. They are smart and elegant, somewhat long, some bold and unrestrained. "From" we had to do was basil I realized his ambition, "I sent sorrow heart and bright moon" and let me feel his tenderness, "take out knife cut water flow more" this is his helpless, "long sail the waves will sometimes" again with his perseverance. This is li bai's poems, he made me.

This is the great of li bai, representatives of the glory of the Chinese nation, I study the model.


1、Li Bai (ca 705 - 762), also called Li Po, is probably China's most famous poet. A great deal has been written about him. This commentary focuses on his connection to the qin. In this regard Ronald Egan writes (Controversy, p.53), "In the first centuries of the Tang dynasty, the poets Meng Haoran and Li Bo further promoted the cultivation of a special literati affiliation with this instrument." 2Li Bai(701-762) is regarded as the greatest romantic poet of the Tang dynasty(618-907) and of China of all times.Born in Central Asia,as it is believed,he moved with his family to Sichuan at the age of five.In 725,he traveled down the Changjiang(Yangzi) River when he wrote The Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains and Farewell beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge,in which both the moon and water are personified.and which reveal his deep love of nature as well as of his native land.In 727,he was married to the granddaughter of an ex-minister Xu.In 730,he came to Chang'an,the Tang capital,in the hope of meeting people of influence who would help him to realize his poltical ideal.Disappointed,he wrote Lovesickness in which he compared his yearning to the love for a woman.Hard Is the Way of the World and Hard Is the Road to Shu which is supposed to be his most important work in the first period of his verse-making.In 735,he wrote Invitation to Wine in which he revealed his love of drink was due to his disappointment in his career.After the death of his first wife,he move with his children to East Lu(present-day Shangdong Province).Famed for his poetry,he was summoned to the capital in 742 to write poems and songs for the emperor and his favorite mistress of which the best-known are the three stanzas on The Beatufiful Lady Yang.In 744,he left Chang'an for Luoyang where he met Du Fu and a warm friendship and exchange of poems began that lasted lifelong.In 746,he traveled in the south and wrote Mount Skyland Ascended in a Dream which,according to S.Obata,might rival Coleridge's Kubla Khan in its transcendent beauty and imaginative power,but which was written more than one thousand years earlier.In 753,he visited Xuan-cheng(in present-day Anhui Province) and wrote many poems in the pavilion of Xia Tiao.In 755,An Lushan raised the standard of rebellion,and Li Bai was called to join the loyal forces led by Prince Yong in an attempt to resist the rebels.His political aspirations revived and he wrote this Songs of Eastern Expedition of Prince Yong.When the prince was defeated,he was banished to Ye-lang(in present-day Guizhou Province) until an amnesty(大赦)was declared in 759.When he regained his liberty,he wrote his joyful quatrain Leaving the White Emperor Town for Jiangling.In 760,the revisited the Lu Mountains(in present-day Jiangxi Province) and wrote the Song of Mount Lu which manifests his conversion to Taoism.In 762,he died at the age of sixty-two,chanting his last poem "On Death bed".


Li Bai was a romantic poet in Chinese history.He was born in Tang dynasty.He had written a lot of poems and some of them were famous until now.Even children can recite his poems 字数有限,参考下


以上就是介绍李白的英语作文100字的全部内容,3. 【英语翻译李白的子夜吴歌(秋歌)翻译 李白 长安一片月,万户捣衣声.秋风吹不尽,总是玉关情.何日平胡虏,良人罢远征.注:子夜吴歌:六朝乐府吴声歌曲.《唐书·乐志》:“《子夜吴 歌》者,晋曲也.晋有女子名子夜,造此声,声过哀苦.”《乐府解题》:“后人更为四时行乐之词,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。