科学追星英语作文100字?我喜欢的明星-The Stars I Prefer 由英语作文网收集整理 现在青少年都喜欢崇拜一些电影明星或歌星,他们为之到了疯狂的地步。但我跟他们不一样,我以为做这样的事是浪费时间和精力。我喜欢的星是宇宙里真正的星,我想探索群星的.奥秘。我的理想是当一个天文学家。那么,科学追星英语作文100字?一起来了解一下吧。


The hearts of every person has a pillar, a support idol. I am a Zhuixing Zu, my idol is not What scientists or around smart people, he is just a singer with a motive to sing soul singer. . . . . . I appreciate his time in a minimum-do not give up the self-confidence, he likes to put up with all the fans can insist that he admired Even in the first ear-day sun do not know when he told the parents live very happy, let them rest assured, this is moved This belief, the firm has attracted numerous people applauded him. Some time ago, the daily snow Cross, countless people Can not return home. He also called on everyone to help more people, he also launched the Big Dipper will air voluntary charity to help People in disaster areas. At that time, Hou, I heard the most beautiful, "the most beautiful sun," he said to be given to the stars and people Zaikunnanzhong The. Some people said: "Zhuixing people are fools." I strongly oppose, regardless of learning or in life, who do not have Lost, difficult to deal with the time Previously, I do not know how to overcome the will to resolve a crying. Now, do not Will, I will Yongwangzhiqian, regardless of the outcome, at least to have a clear conscience. Because beyond it, we can see The most beautiful sun. This is a power bar, I have to like him as the efforts of self-confidence. No matter the difficulties encountered, we should Efforts to overcome. I would also like to share his filial piety to parents, friends Zhanchu of the most beautiful smiles, do a caring, the sense of TU people. It is precisely because of this road there will be stones to block progress, so in this way will not be lonely, empty. Across the stones, heart Situation will be improved, unique to the release of feeling. Look up to the sky, you will find the most beautiful in the eyes of the sun, as the lyrics said: "Holding dream, to fly forward, not evade, not back, you are my success on the fortress 。


Now many young people are crazy about stars . They are spending more time on collecting pictures or information about the stars whom they like. And they often talk about their stars with their friends. So they waste much time . That will do harm to their study.So I think these young people should spend more time on their study .


One po ible version Yang Lijuan has done nothing but admire and follow her idol for more ten years .Even her family hel her to achieve her “goal” at all cost . Obviously , she has gone too far as a crazy fan. Actually ,many middle school students have their idols. As far as I’m concerned ,having an idol itself i ’t a bad thing ,but the point is :we should act in a proper way .On one hand ,we should first of all focus our attention on our own work .It’s very important for us to have our own career,And we are asked to take re o ibilities for our family and society .On the other hand ,remember :no pai ,no games .Our idols have gained their fame through hard work as well .Being diligent ,they have set a good example to us .I tead of worshi ing them blindly, we should learn from them


The picture is a vivid reflection of the wide-spread star-worship by depicting a man,representing the miniature of the rising phenomenon,who is planning to have a hair cut in the style of Beckham.Indeed,as it indicates,the trickles of star-worship have become a torrent around the world,whose influences have reached at even most out-of-the-way areas.

The reason of star-worship is deeply rooted in human nature.On the one hand,homo sapiens,like other animals,have the basic instinct of enchantment by appearance beauty.On the other hand,the vanity dream of arising to fame of stars is one of the main factors that give rise to human beings’ activities with irresistible charm and dominating power.For appealing to people’s instinctive needs,a number of stars are produced endlessly and set into the shinning stage of sensation one after another,whirling the world into star-worship tornado.

Admittedly,star-worship does confer certain contribution upon the society,at least it boosts the prosperity of the industry of film,TV,and sports, creats more job opportunities,and facilitates the re-distribution of national wealth,however,in the long run,its harms outweigh its benefits,as is suggested by the following points.

The most apparent harm of it comes in the domain of politics.As we can discover everywhere,it is making a more and more conspicuous mockery of what democratic system should be,by declaring death in election campaigns to great politicians loyal to people but without pleasing exterior shape,who have to give way to beautiful but skin-deep demagogues who bear more resemblance to popular stars,in consequence,the whole country or the world may run a terrible and undesirable risk,whose results seem to be subversion of the assumed democratic purpose.

Another jeopardy caused by it is in regard to young people.The flood of star-worship inundates young people’ hearts and drowns their original characteristics,thereby their creative power is stripped of or smothered in embryo.Moreover,the excessive desire for exterior beauty,which is stirred up by blind star-worship,undermines young people’s spiritual pursuits in real art,literature,philosophy,and science,without which they can hardly hold the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations.The notion is not exaggerating that blind star-worship will probably engulf young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness,and thus buried with them is the hope of future..

Given the above harms,the rampant star-worship must be restraint by our own conciousness.If retrospecting into the history,we could find that the great beaux esprits,scientists,philosophers,politicians and so forth never indulge their instinct of worshipping superficial beauty.Instead,they highlight the essence that outlives the appearance.At the enlightenment of their cultural legacy,shouldn’t we think twice before sinking deeper and deeper into the hopeless swamp of star-worship?



On Idol Worshipping


Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again.


Especially,a young girl’s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes.


Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it always shows a picture of glamorous movie stars.pop singers and all the other entertainers that young people desire to have.



以上就是科学追星英语作文100字的全部内容,On Idol Worshipping 在偶像崇拜中 Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again.偶像崇拜不是一个新现象,但最近一些年轻人的不合理行为让它再次成为关注的焦点。Especially,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。