介绍莎士比亚英语作文300字?Born in Stratford, Warwickshire, England on April 23, 1564.1587年,开始演员生涯,并开始尝试写剧本。In 1587, he began his career as an actor and began to write plays.1595年,创作的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《仲夏夜之梦》首演。那么,介绍莎士比亚英语作文300字?一起来了解一下吧。


Shakespeare said,..................................................



威廉•莎士比亚(William Shakespeare ,1564-1616)是文艺复兴时期英国著名的剧作家和诗人。他创作了大量的作品,其中包括喜剧、悲剧和历史剧。他的剧本至今仍在许多国家上演,并为人们所普遍阅读。莎上比亚的作品文才横溢,创造的喜、怒、哀、乐场面使人印象深刻,历久难忘。主要作品有四大悲剧:《奥赛罗》、《哈姆雷特》、《麦克白》,《李尔王》;四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《无事生非》和《皆大欢喜》等。此外,历史剧《亨利六世》(Henry VI)三部曲,爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》也都很受欢迎。《哈姆雷特》叙述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特替父报仇,杀死篡夺王位的叔父的故事。《哈姆雷特》里 “to be or not to be, that is the question”的成为经典台词。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》描写了一对青年男女因家族间的世仇而不能联姻结果自杀的故事,揭露了封建制度的残酷无情,同时,歌颂了青年男女纯洁坚贞的爱情。

William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare ,1564-1616) is a well-known British Renaissance playwright and poet. He created a lot of work, including comedy, tragedy and historical drama. His play is still staged in many countries, and generally for people to read. Shakespeare's literary talent on the works of Shakespeare Smirnov, create happiness, anger, sadness, impressive music scene, long memorable. There are four major works Tragedy: "Othello" (Othello), "Hamlet" (Hamlet), "Macbeth" (Macbeth), "King Lear" (King Lear); four comedies: "Midsummer Night's Dream" (A Midsummer Night's Dream), "The Merchant of Venice" (The Merchant of Venice), "Much Ado About Nothing" (Much Ado about Nothing) and "happy" (As You Like It), etc. In addition, the historical drama "Henry VI" (Henry VI) trilogy, love tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (Romeo and Juliet) are also very popular. "Hamlet" Hamlet Prince of Denmark described in revenge for the father to kill his uncle usurped the throne of the story. "Hamlet" in "to be or not to be, that is the question" of a classic lines. "Romeo and Juliet," describes a pair of young men and women due to family feud between the marriage and not the result of suicide stories, exposed the




Born in Stratford, Warwickshire, England on April 23, 1564.


In 1587, he began his career as an actor and began to write plays.


In 1595, his plays romeo and Juliet and a midsummer night's dream premiered.


In 1601, Hamlet was first performed, which attracted the attention of the literary world. In 1605, the drama King Lear was performed for the first time.



William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)[a] was an English poet and playwright who is now regarded as the greatest writer of the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[1] His surviving works include 38 plays,[b] two long narrative poems, 154 sonnets, and a few other poems. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.[2]

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, Shakespeare moved to London, where he found success as an actor, writer, and part-owner of the playing company the Lord Chamberlain's Men (later known as the King's Men). He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later. Few records survive concerning Shakespeare's private life, and considerable speculation has been poured into this void,[3] including questions about his sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were actually written by others.[4]

Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613. He at first wrote mainly comedies and histories, genres that he raised to a peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the sixteenth century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until 1608, producing what are considered some of the greatest in the language, including Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth. In the last phase of his career, Shakespeare turned to tragicomedies and collaborated with other playwrights. Many of Shakespeare's plays were published during his lifetime in editions of variable quality and accuracy; and in 1623, two of his former acting colleagues published the First Folio, a collected edition of his works that included all but two of the plays now recognised as Shakespeare's.

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day; but it was not until the eighteenth century that his reputation began its rise to the heights it enjoys today. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius; and in the nineteenth century, the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".[5] In the twentieth century, Shakespeare's work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today; constantly performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.

威廉莎士比亚(1564年4月26号-1 616年4月2 3日) 是一个英国诗人和剧作家谁是现在被视为最伟大的作家的英语和世界的杰出戏剧家。



Born in Stratford, Warwickshire, England on April 23, 1564.


In 1587, he began his career as an actor and began to write plays.


In 1595, his plays romeo and Juliet and a midsummer night's dream premiered.


In 1601, Hamlet was first performed, which attracted the attention of the literary world. In 1605, the drama King Lear was performed for the first time.


He returned to his hometown in 1614.


以上就是介绍莎士比亚英语作文300字的全部内容,威廉•莎士比亚(William Shakespeare ,1564-1616)是文艺复兴时期英国著名的剧作家和诗人。他创作了大量的作品,其中包括喜剧、悲剧和历史剧。他的剧本至今仍在许多国家上演,并为人们所普遍阅读。莎上比亚的作品文才横溢,创造的喜、怒、哀、乐场面使人印象深刻,历久难忘。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。