爬山英文作文100字带翻译?One day, my mother and I went to climb Huangshan. When I started climbing Huangshan, I felt very relaxed.有一天,我和妈妈去爬黄山。当我开始爬黄山时,我感到很轻松。那么,爬山英文作文100字带翻译?一起来了解一下吧。







One day, my mother and I went to climb Huangshan. When I started climbing Huangshan, I felt very relaxed.


But when I climbed to the mountainside, I was very tired and out of breath.


I asked my mother, "can I climb to the top of the mountain?"


Mother replied, "as long as you have courage, you can conquer every mountain, no matter how high it is!" so I went on.


Half an hour later, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain. What a wonderful day I had!



一 英语作文嫦娥奔月的故事(字数100字左右)

According to Chinese old myth, it looks like a beautiful goddess under a big tree in the moon.She was Chang e, the wife of Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a hero who saved people through shooting the extra eight Suns by arrows. Hence, the emperor in the sky rewarded him a magic medicine. If one took the medicine ,he would fly up into the sky and turn into a fairy. But one day, one of Hou Yi's students suddenly shot him by an arrow. Then, he robbed into Hou Yi's home and wanted to grab the medicine.

二 要一篇英语作文100字左右关于一则故事的

I teach the parrot how to learn English(我教鹦鹉学英语)

The time in New Year's Day, father bought a tiger skin parrot of shallow blue to send to me and I liked it very much.

Every time go home and I say hello toward it:"Howareyou?The Howareyou of"one day, I just walked into family, unexpectedly hear"?"This sentence.I raise head and look, unexpectedly is a parrot is talk!This parrot will speak English!I am hurriedly big this day of the good news told a father mother.

I make a firm decision an English teacher who be the parrot and lead a pair of the teacher's habit.I walk to parrot front of, say to it:"Goodmorning."But my etc. along while, still keep disappearing parrot to open mouth.I benignly say:"Lovely student, I say 1, you read 1 with me, good?"I said 1 time again, but the *** all guy is to have no reason I.I patiently did it of think to want to work:"Study not want afraid bear suffering, have to have confidence, as long as you be earnest practice, your being certain will bee parrot star."I as far as possible say the sentence of English a little bit slower:"Good-morning."But the *** all guy be unexpectedly lazy see my one eye, the beginning leisurely and carefreely started to b feather.

My spirit have his face raddens all over.The mother see my appearance, say:"Blush with shame heel monkey Mao, who angry?"I settle a dispute feeling with mother's elucidation of process.Mother a listen to joy:"Does the parrot want to be like your similar cleverness, also don't go to school together with you?Teach it speak English, you get have patience."

Rightness ah, parrot academic association an English not is used quite a few a month.I the persistence teach it how to learn every day, it quasi- bility academic association a lot of English sentence.

Through four month of effort, it finally will say"Goodmorning.".But its academic association this sentence, unexpectedly can't say again"Howareyou?".

I lightly point it of the head say:"You are true stupid!"

"You are true stupid!"Hey, this it pour is learn pretty quick!





Last sunday, it was a fine day. My friend and I went to Mount Daifu.

In the morning,we rode bikes to the foot of the mountain.After a short rest,we climbed the mountain.on its peak,,we shared the beautiful scenery in our eyes. There were lots of light foggy clouds around us.What's more, varieties of birds flying around us were pretty.What a harmony situation! At noon,we had lunch in a restaurant. With a happy emotion, we finished our climbing.

Although tired, we still felt happy and relaxed.we hope our country will become more and more beautiful.



您好:Climb the mountain

Yesterday was Saturday. Lin Jiali and I came to the Nanshan Mountain by Bus 226. We climbed and climbed. We are thirsty and tired. We stopped to climb and drank some water. Then we climbed again. Look! The Nanshan Mountain is very beautiful. The tree is green. The water is clean. The air and the land clean, too. So we took a lot of photos. It was fun. We were so happy.

Come and climb the Nanshan Mountain! You can do these things too.





以上就是爬山英文作文100字带翻译的全部内容,我便约了几个小伙伴,一起去爬山。 那天,我们各自带着自己喜欢吃的东西来到山上游玩。不一会儿,我们就爬到了山顶。好大的风啊,我们坐在石头上。一边吃东西,一边说笑话。 往下一望,啊。好多房子啊。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。