

There are a lot of scientists in the world, and my favorite one is Edison. He has a strong will. He is a struggling man.


Tu Youyou is my favorite scientist. She is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for her discovery of artemisinin, a drug used to treat malaria. Her dedication to finding a cure for this deadly disease has saved countless lives around the world. What I admire most about Tu Youyou is her perseverance and determination in the face of challenges. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gave up on her research and ultimately made a groundbreaking discovery that has had a significant impact on global health. Tu Youyou is a true inspiration and a role model for aspiring scientists everywhere.


Some people worship celebrities, o fashion, and this will make people go astray blind worship; was revered celebrities, is revered for his own celebrity as a role model to learn from them, like them motivate themselves to serve the people. As they say: "The example of the power is infinite." So many of these people are successful. Everyone has their favorite celebrities, I was no exception, I most admire is Marie Curie.

Let us take the example of the great woman to do a socially valuable people.



My favorite scientist is Marie Skłodowska-Curie。She insists on scientific research。灶悉So I admire her。



Thomas Edison, a well-known American scientist and inventor, was born in a small town in the west of America on Feb11, 1947. He was deeply interested in reading thanks to his mother's excellent training method to him. Having so many inventions, Edison makes great contributions to human civilization and social development. He died on Oct.8,1931 and people all over America mourned him for a minute on Oct.21, 1931 by turning off their lights.


以上就是我最喜欢的科学家英语作文100字的全部内容,Edison ( 1847 ~ 1931 ) Is a world famous u.s. electricity companies and inventors, known as “ World invention King ” 。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。