关于中国的英语作文100字?China! I love you!中国是一个古老沧桑,历史悠久的国家。在过去的五千年里,中国用自己铿锵有力的步伐迈过了一个个时代,走到今天,已经俨然成为一个拥有伟岸身躯的国家!现在的中国日益强盛,向着发展中国家逐步逼近。那么,关于中国的英语作文100字?一起来了解一下吧。


Hi, Hello, everyone! I was a primary school students, from China. China is a beautiful and richly endowed country. There are strange Huangshan; beautiful Xiangshan; beauty of Mount Emei; majestic mountain Huashan ...

China is not only, but also have water. The Yellow Sea, East China Sea so majestic; West Lake, the lake was calm as a mirror ...

my country I am proud of you!



Jingdezhen, a city in Jiangxi province, it’s famous for the Cloisonné. Cloisonné is a variation of enamel work with copper as the inside frame. The Jingtai reign of the Ming Dynasty saw a remarkable thriving period of Cloisonné making, the glaze of which was primarily blue. It thus obtained the name ‘Jing tai lan’, with the word ‘lan’ meaning blue. The Cloisonne products range from little earrings to huge ornaments, which are elegantly shaped with beautiful patterns and bright glittering colors......应该比较适合你O(∩_∩)O~ ,你也可以上维基英文百科寻找答案,只要你能旅漏链看得懂拆孙O(∩_∩)O~


我找的一篇汉语的,然后翻译的,不知道是不是你需要的:In my eyes, China is a prosperous and strong country, she was praised by many people. China is like a cock with a head held high, standing at the top of the world.

However, whenever I opened the history book, the joy of my heart fell down, and in September 1860, the British and French troops landed from Tianjin to attack Beijing, and Xianfeng emperor fled to Chengde mountain resort, ordering soldiers to stay in the city. On October 6th the British and French troops invaded the old summer palace, and the Chinese soldiers' shotguns and swords did not make a difference to the British and French soldiers. they could only see their death with their eyes open, leaving only dozens of eunuchs and courtiers in the garden, and the cruel British and French soldiers killed them alive. British general looked at the front of the magnificent palace, involuntary start to rob. So all the gold and silver in the garden was swept away. In order to destroy the evidence of the crimes on October 18 and 19, the allied commander told more than 3,000 soldiers to burn the summer palace overnight, the fire even burned three days and three nights, smoke enveloped the entire city of Beijing. In this way, the artistic treasure of the garden, the essence of architectural art, turned into a piece of ashes.

Time slowly past, the sleeping lion in the fire and the sino - Soviet wake. On October 1, 1997, chairman Mao declared at the Beijing city: " the people's Republic of China has been established! ". " on the last stage of the parade, China made its first jet plane.

This is the lion in my eyes, the male who awakens from the fire


Mount Huang, also known as Huangshan (Chinese: 黄山; pinyin: Huángshān; literally "Yellow Mountain"[1]), is a mountain range[1] in southern Anhui province in eastern China. The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan Pine trees, and views of the clouds from above. Mount Huang is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's major tourist destinations.

The area has also been a location for scientific research because of its diversity of flora and wildlife; in the early part of the 20th century, the geology and vegetation of Mount Huang were the subject of multiple studies by both Chinese and foreign scientists.[16] The mountain is still a subject of research; for example, in the late 20th century a team of researchers used the area for a field study of Tibetan Macaques, a local species of monkey.[21]




你想知道关于我的国庆节假日计划吗? 让我告诉你吧

在第一天我去看岩链雹望了外婆 我的外婆对我很好知道我要来给我买了许多好吃唤兆的 在第二天和第三天我做我的作业 那是非常难的在以后的四天里我的父母决定带我去北京度假 我有一个好的假期 所以我很粗帆快乐这就是关于我的国庆节假日你能告诉我你的国庆节吗?

You want to know about my National Day holiday plan? Let me tell you.

On the first day I went to see my grandma my grandma is very kind to me that I want to buy me a lot of delicious in the very next day and the third day I do my homework that it is very difficult in the next four days my parents decided to take me to Beijing for vacation I had a good holiday so I am very happy that is on the National Day holiday can you tell me your national day? (若满意请及时采纳最佳答案,谢谢)


以上就是关于中国的英语作文100字的全部内容,Chinese Wushu is the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, and it is one of the traditional sports in our country.通过武术训练能使人的体魄强健、身体健康、行动灵活、增强对疾病的免疫能力。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。