为什么学不好英语作文?一,没有很好的英语学习环境。我们很多人只能跟自己练习和学习英语。在生活中没有很多机会来学习英语。二,有些英语学习者学习英语只是为了考试,他们没有真的用心。 三,有些英语老师自己都没有标准的英语口音,那么,为什么学不好英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


First of all, China's educational system makes students spend most of their time dealing with tests and does poorly in encouraging student to speak English.As a result ,many students have no chance to practice English in their daily life.

Another important factor determining the quality of English education students receive is the quality of their teacher.The majority of Chinese students learn their English from Chinese teachers.However,many Chinese teachers themself are not fluent in English ,and many students learnedincorrect pronunciation of words from their teacher.As a result,the quality of English teaching in China suffers significantly.

Another reason is classroom control.In China,traditional - lecture-centric teaching requires everyone to shut up and pay attention to the teacher.This teaching method create a situation in which the teacher is speaking, everyone is nice and quiet, but nobody is listening. The message is being lost, and little learning is happening.





English is very important. Learning English and being able to speak standard English fluently will surely envy everyone.

We all know that learning English is a good thing. It can not only give you more job-hunting skills, but also bring you more job opportunities.

However, many people find it difficult to stick to it.As the saying goes: interest is the best teacher.

To learn English well, many people rely on interest. Because they like it, they can stick to it all the time.

In fact, learning English is not boring. The reason why you feel boring is that you are mechanically reciting words from the textbook, you are mechanically reading along with the tape, and you want to see your progress soon.

Do you feel irritable? Why? Because learning English is not effective in one or two days. You are tired of English. It seems that you can't finish learning English.

So, you start to give up. When you meet a person with good English, you can only cast an envious eye.




Nowadays so many people cannot learn English very well, and the reason is various. Now I will list the main reasons of the failure in learning English.First of all, there is no good environment for them to learn and improve their English. Secondly,they learn English only for passing the examination. Thirdly, many teachers' spoken English aren't standard, therefore they cannot teach the student very well. Fourthly, there are huge dfferences between Chinese and English in grammar, mainly on writing.The last but not least is teachers didn't pay much attention on the student's practice of speaking English.


I have been learning English for more than 5 years. I think learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so I often spend much time practicing using English every day. I listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully.When I am free, I liklistening to English radio programmes, reading English stories and newspapers, watching English films and TV programmes.It's also very helpful for me to keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests. I think I have good ways of learning English. But sometimes I find it's difficult for me to write a wonderful composition and listening is also very hard. So I will read more and listen more so that I can improve my listening and writing very soon.





