大学生活 英语作文?有关大学生活的英语作文,在我们阿卡索,许多优秀的学员都提供了优秀的回答,详见下文。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取外教课一节,试完课还可以帮助各位免费测试英语水平~写出一篇漂亮的英语作文不算简单,欢迎各位同学来阿卡索,课均不到20元,每天都有25分钟时间跟外教学习地道的表达,那么,大学生活 英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


在匆忙的大学生活中,我们品尝到了生活的甜酸苦辣。请你就大学生活写一篇英语 作文 吧。下面我给大家带来大学生活英语优秀作文,供你参考。

大学生活的英语作文1:My Campus Life

It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.


In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with common interests.


大学生活 英语作文,写英语作文的方法和技巧


大学生活是多姿多彩的,每个人既自律又自由。这里给大家分享一些我的大学生活英语 作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助。


Since I was at school, I have heard a lot about college. A boy near myhouse is in college now, every time I meet him, I will ask him how he feelsabout campus life, he smiles and tells me many funny things.The ideal collegehas been built in my mind. There is beautiful trees and flours, boys and girlstalk and walk happily, they share things together, students and teachers discusscourse. In the lake, some students talk to foreigners, what an enjoyablesituation. In order to go to my ideal college, I must work hard.


As we know, many people favor the idea that the college life is free andcomfortable, but I’d like to say it’s not true. As a matter of fact, my life inuniversity is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough. As to my collegelife, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, libraryand the others.

Firstly, I want to talk about the study. In my opinion, study is thepriority in college. When I received the letter of admission in summer, I knewclearly that what I should do. So I make up my mind to study hard and pursuelearning as much as possible. I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change mylife. Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people studythere. By working so hard, I get good grades in the exams.

Secondly, student activities play an important role in our college life. Tobe honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop socialskills, get his abilities trained. I take part in many student activities. Forexample, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write. Ithink it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others. I can also do somejobs in the Student Union, including receiving and sending fast mail, sellingpapers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettable and worthwhile experiencesfor me.

Thirdly, I also visit the library constantly. It’s said that “shelves ofbooks, oceans of knowledge”, so I read books that I’m interested in. In thisway, I can share stories with my new friends and it also changes my horizons.When I’m sad, lost or in trouble, staying the library makes me quiet andcomfortable. After all, every life has bad moments as well as good ones, and thelibrary for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stayin the library.

Finally, I often do other things in my spare time. In order to alleviateparents’ burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earnmoney. It helps me to be independent and improve my social skills.

In short, my life in university is busy but valuable. You can see thatstudy brings me knowledge, student activities improve myself, library changes myhorizons, the others things make me independent. They get all my abilitiestrained. And I see that the chance will come only if you have a prepared mind,so I’m sure that I can achieve my dreams in college life.


I am so looking forward to my college life. I have pictured it thousands oftimes in my mind. The free lifestyle and lively parties are always appearing mymind. The great expectation of campus life endows me a lot of passion to keepstudy. After two years’ study, I would find my lifestyle.

The first thing for me is to learn more knowledge. Most students find a wayto release themselves and skip or sleep in the class. They think study is justthe task, so they give up improving themselves and take part in all kinds ofactivities, which bring them great joy. The wrong conception about college stagemakes most students miss the best time to equip themselves with skills. Irealize my job and dare not to loose study.

The second thing for me to learn is to make friends by joining activities.I am a shy girl, but inside my heart, I am so eager to make more friends, so Ichoose to join many activities in the spared time. I learn dancing and playingtennis. The lucky thing is that I know many nice people and we become goodfriends, who make my college colorful.


I am so looking forward to my college life. I have pictured it thousands oftimes in my mind. The free lifestyle and lively parties are always appearing mymind. The great expectation of campus life endows me a lot of passion to keepstudy. After two years’ study, I would find my lifestyle.

The first thing for me is to learn more knowledge. Most students find a wayto release themselves and skip or sleep in the class. They think study is justthe task, so they give up improving themselves and take part in all kinds ofactivities, which bring them great joy. The wrong conception about college stagemakes most students miss the best time to equip themselves with skills. Irealize my job and dare not to loose study.

The second thing for me to learn is to make friends by joining activities.I am a shy girl, but inside my heart, I am so eager to make more friends, so Ichoose to join many activities in the spared time. I learn dancing and playingtennis. The lucky thing is that I know many nice people and we become goodfriends, who make my college colorful.


It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of myclassmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of timebut do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life incollege is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.

In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard asI was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and Iwent to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I havemany extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Cornerregularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and makefriends with common interests.

Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, Ihave a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other.Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together.During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps usgo further.

Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one'sabilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels toexplore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also anadult who is preparing to step into the society.

In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to makeit colorful as well as meaningful.










★My classmate优秀英语作文5篇





My college life(3107字)

As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can’t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday!

When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing come up to me! The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no lavatory! I saw something sad in my father’s eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! So with a big smile on my face, I told my father” it doesn’t matter, Dad. In this kind of condition, I will get myself better!” My father felt better. But when he was coming back, seeing his back, I just wanted to cry! I felt in this city I was just isolated, from that time, I said to myself, “ you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself”

And then I came to my dormitory 303. I considered that I would spend four years here (in fact I moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there. Most of them came from Sichuan and they were chatting with a happy voice, but I can’t understand them! Again, I felt myself isolated! I hated that kind of feeling, and then I said to hello to them! To my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted! I no longer felt afraid. And I got along well with them. But at the first night here, I burst out to tears for that I was missing my family. I don’t know why. Everyday when I was at home, I was just eager to go to school, to experience the wonderful college life but when coming here, I am just eager to go back! It’s quite strange though, you must know this kind of feeling!

Just spending about 2 days here, we were on our way to military train. To us, it’s a fresh train and a kind of experience to know the life between the classmates. But to me, I was nervous but excited. This was

my first and precious train life because before going to school I have been staying with my family. So, you know, it’s just this kind of feeling I can’t convey it clearly! The train life is impressive on everybody; we had a lot of activities, for example giving a speech on a stage or singing together or playing basketball. At that time, I felt myself so little among them. All of them have a special talent but not me. I admired them but meanwhile jealousy. Why don’t I have this kind of talent? Am I stupid? I always said to myself. So that time I was also very ambitious, just eager to catch up with them. Except the classmates, the trainer in our team also left a deep impression on me! He was not very handsome and very kind. Just because of his kindness results in my laughter when training. He always said to me that I should be serious in the team but I didn’t listen to him. So after a long time, when investigating the training result, I gave them a disappointing answer. The highest trainer sent me to clean the toilet, although, it didn’t means insulting to my dignity, but I was really sad about myself and my heart was hurt. That was a small thing but told me that I need to be serious to one thing. And unhappiness passed, the happy and funny time recalled me that folding the blanket. Yeah, it’s really very funny. Most of us had never folded the blanket and naturally we can’t accomplish the task well. When the monitor came, we pleased him to help us to fold the blanket. To our expect, we managed to persuade the monitor. After the monitor finished the task for me. I dared not to touch the blanket again and just used the clothes instead of the blanket. Of course, I felt very cold in deep night, so to my instinct, I crashed into my classmate’s blanket. And we were scratching the single blanket fiercely, just like a war. (Writing here I can’t help laughing out loudly).


How to adapt youself to college life

There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First,college students will live in the dormitory with classmates who come from various places, and who may have different living habits. Second,college teachers ,instead of explaning in detail how to solve every problem, might only tell different approaches to the problem, and leave students to study and solve problems independently. Finally, in college,there is more free time for students to spend on.

However how should the college freshman adapt himself to these differeces. First of all, he should learn to be tolerant and consider more for others,which is necessary for group living. Moreover he should take active part in collective activities and make more communication with classmates and teachers. It will help he be smoothly integrated with your new environment. Besides,as to study,he should develop a good habit of self-teaching and learn to arrange study independently. Of course,it may take a freshman some while to become accustomed to the study and life in college. However, we all have to accept constant challenges of new things in our life. To conclude,college students should try to adapt himself to college life as soon as possible, so as to take full advantages of their precious college time.


honourable judges and friends,

good morning! i am very glad to be here to share my college life with you .

two years ago, i came into this city of and started my college life , the most memorable journey of my life. i was just a shy and little girl that time. all the things seemed fresh to me: new faces, large library and physics lab etc. i breathed the air of college greedily, i was curious about everything.the class given by the teachers are excellent.they provide us with information not only from our textbook but from other sources as well.i actively involved in student union and varies of association. but soon i realized that i do not make full use of my spare time ,so i got a part-time job to help a junior student with math lessons besides,i also took part in activities concerning public welfare. we taught the kids there who could not afford school, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us--future teachers. the enrichment of experience taught me the significance of modesty,responsibility,tolerance,and perseverance.

and now i have been here two years. recalling to the two years, i think i have to talk about one thing--learning. learn how to study independently, learn how to get along with others, learn to love, learn to… oh, there are too much things we have to learn.

comparing with senior high school, college is a rather different place. there aren’t so many people to watch you and guide you how to do something any more, neither are there so many students who share with you one dream. in college, you must think and study yourself, so you have to learn and practice to control yourself.

another relationship in college is friendship. my roommates have lived two years with me. in these years, they forgive my faults, cry with me, laugh with me, play with me… they always stand with me and support me, i have learned a lot from them. i love them all and treasure the friendship with them.

in the next 2 years,i’ll try my best to and make great contributions to society! that’s my college life. i cherish all i have experienced in college. i love you, my college!

that’s all, thank you!


关于大学生活的英语作文1:How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates

How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates?Everyone has his answer.In my opinion,to Live in Harmony with your Roommates,one should:

Firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. There are usually four people or more in a room. It’s better to have a unified schedule. To maintain the order of the life, everyone should coordinate and abide by the schedule to reduce the disputes.

Secondly, don’t make little “squads” in the dormitory. You should treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone. We object to establish deep friendship under the cost of sacrificing the friendship’s width and breadth. It’s important to keep balance in the dormitory.

Thirdly, don't invade your roommates' privacy. Everyone has their own secrets and eccentricities. We should not search roommates' privacy. If someone has clearly made a field private, they must have special sensitive to this field and any subject attempting to break into this field will not be appreciated by them.

Fourthly, participate in dormitory’s collective activities actively. The activities of the dormitory is not only a simple activity, but also a way to contact with each other to share feelings. Don't be naive to think collective activity as boring and useless action which wastes time and money, and showing a pair of disparaging appearance for company. In fact, it's all emotional investment, and indispensable.

Fifth, provide help and ask for help. Good roommate relationships is based on mutual help. When roommates meet with difficulties, we should voluntarily help. That’s obvious. So, when we have some trouble, is it appropriate to ask help from roommates? The answer is yes. Because sometimes asking for help show that you trust your roommates, which can deepen your relationship.

关于大学生活的英语作文2:my daily life routine

I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don’t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in the morning. I do morning exercises with my classmates after the second lesson. At eleven thirty, I go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I have three lessons. After class, we often have sports in the playground. At five, I go home. After supper, I do my homework. At about ten, I go to bed. I am happy every day.

关于大学生活的英语作文3:my daily life routine

There are five classroom buildings and five dining-halls on the campus. The classrooms are big and bright. And each of them is large enough for sixty students to study in. Behind the main classroom building stands the college library, where both the teachers and students are busy borrowing and returning books every day. I usually go there once a week for borrowing and returning books. Our college life is rich and interesting. On the one hand, we have many experienced teachers, sufficient books, scientific apparatus, and instruments to help our studies. On the other hand, we are encouraged to take part in many college activities such as seminars, parties,talks, sportsmeets, visiting factories, etc. Basketball and volleyball matches are held almost weekly.

关于大学生活的英语作文4:Life in the dormitory

There are two dormitories(宿舍) for our class’s boys. I live in 2110.

We seven boys share the dormitory 2110. Every morning we get up at 6 o’clock. Sometimes one or two boys may wake up a little later. After washing, we go to the playground to do morning exercise.

At night, after the self-teaching classes, we go back to the dormitory. Some roommates enjoy singing loudly before the lights go out, some enjoy sharing their snacks and drinks with others, some go to bed early, and others read books or listen to the pop music late. We often tell jokes in the dormitory. The room is always full of cheers and laughter.

On the evening of , the Chinese national football team got their place in the World Cup. It’s the first time for our Chinese team. The Chinese people have dreamed of it for 44 years. Though the light was out we jumped up and down and shouted: “We are the winner! We are the winner!” At the very moment, “Bang! Bang! Bang!” We heard the noises of knocking at the door and a teacher shouted:“ Don’t be so excited. Go to sleep now.” So we dared not make any noise. We even smiled in our dreams that night.



Ever since I was in high school, I have heard countless stories about college life. A neighbor's son, who is currently in his second year, often shares humorous anecdotes about campus life with me. In my imagination, the ideal college is a place where beautiful trees and flowers flourish, students chat and walk joyfully, sharing experiences and knowledge. I envision myself engaging in stimulating discussions with peers and teachers, and even conversing with foreigners by the lake. Such an engaging and enriching environment is something I strive to become a part of. To achieve this dream, I am determined to study diligently.


It is commonly believed that college life is characterized by freedom and relaxation. However, my experience has been quite the opposite. University life is incredibly demanding, and I often find myself wondering if my energy can keep up with my busy schedule. My college life can be divided into four main aspects: studying, participating in extracurricular activities, visiting the library, and other activities.

Firstly, I believe that studying should be the top priority in college. Ever since I received my admission letter, I have been clear about my goals. I have made it my mission to study hard and acquire as much knowledge as possible. I firmly believe that knowledge can change my life. To pursue this goal, I frequently visit the quiet study rooms on campus, where many students are engrossed in their textbooks. Through sheer determination, I have achieved good grades in exams.

Secondly, extracurricular activities are an essential part of college life. Honestly, the Student Union provides a platform for developing social skills and enhancing one's abilities. I actively participate in various club events, such as volunteering to teach children dance and writing. I find immense satisfaction in helping others. Additionally, I contribute to the Student Union by managing mail, selling newspapers, and magazines. These experiences are invaluable and have helped me grow.

Thirdly, I frequently visit the library, where the adage "bookshelves hold oceans of knowledge" holds true. I read books that interest me, broadening my horizons and sharing stories with new friends. The library serves as a sanctuary during trying times, offering solace and comfort. It is a wise decision to spend time in the library.

Lastly, in my free time, I engage in various other activities. To alleviate the financial burden on my parents, I take on part-time jobs and contribute articles for payment. These activities have helped me become independent and improve my social skills.

In conclusion, my university life is hectic yet rewarding. Study brings knowledge, extracurricular activities help me grow, the library broadens my horizons, and other activities foster independence. These experiences have honed my skills and prepared me for future opportunities. I am confident that I can turn my dreams into reality during my college years.


I eagerly anticipate the start of my college life. I have visualized it countless times in my mind – a lifestyle that is both free and vibrant, with lively parties and a sense of liberation. This exciting prospect fills me with passion and motivates me to continue studying. After two years of college, I hope to have found my own rhythm and niche.

The first priority for me is to acquire knowledge. Many students use college as an opportunity to let loose and often skip classes or sleep through them. They view studying merely as a chore and放弃提升自己, instead choosing to engage in various activities that bring them joy. This misguided perception of college life leads most students to miss out on the best opportunities to equip themselves with valuable skills. I am aware of my responsibilities and am determined not to neglect my studies.

The second aspect I wish to explore is making friends through participation in activities. I am a shy individual, but deep down, I yearn to make more friends. To overcome my reserved nature, I actively join numerous activities during my free time. I have taken up dancing and tennis, which have allowed me to meet many wonderful people. We have become good friends, adding color to my college experience.


I eagerly anticipate the start of my college life. I have visualized it countless times in my mind – a lifestyle that is both free and vibrant, with lively parties and a sense of liberation. This exciting prospect fills me with passion and motivates me to continue studying. After two years of college, I hope to have found my own rhythm and niche.

The first priority for me is to acquire knowledge. Many students use college as an opportunity to let loose and often skip classes or sleep through them. They view studying merely as a chore and放弃提升自己, instead choosing to engage in various activities that bring them joy. This misguided perception of college life leads most students to miss out on the best opportunities to equip themselves with valuable skills. I am aware of my responsibilities and am determined not to neglect my studies.

The second aspect I wish to explore is making friends through participation in activities. I am a shy individual, but deep down, I yearn to make more friends. To overcome my reserved nature, I actively join numerous activities during my free time. I have taken up dancing and tennis, which have allowed me to meet many wonderful people. We have become good friends, adding color to my college experience.


It has been two years since I embarked on my college journey. Some of my classmates find college life dull, as they have ample free time but are unsure of how to utilize it. However, I differ in my opinion. In my view, college life is interesting and diverse, provided one makes it meaningful.

During my first semester, I did not relax and continued to study diligently, just as I did in high school. I dedicated two hours to studying at night and often visited the library during autonomous learning hours. The difference now is the presence of numerous extracurricular activities. For instance, I regularly attended the English Corner on Tuesday nights, where I could practice my spoken English and make friends with similar interests.

Furthermore, I joined the departmental Student Union. It is akin to a warm, supportive family where we share our lives. Through various activities, I have come to appreciate the importance of teamwork, which has helped us progress.

College is an excellent platform for personal growth and showcasing one's abilities. Here, I have gained a deeper understanding of society and explored the wider world through various channels. I recognize that I am not just a student but also an adult preparing to enter society.

In summary, I cherish my college life and am committed to making it as colorful and meaningful as possible.

大学生活 英语作文,写英语作文的方法和技巧

以上就是大学生活 英语作文的全部内容,给朋友的一封信,内容关于大学生活,可以从以下方面进行写作:介绍自己的大学生活状态和感受 分享大学里有趣、难忘的经历或故事 探讨在大学里学到的知识和技能对自己的成长帮助 建议朋友在大学里应该如何度过自己的时光 表达对朋友的思念和祝福 以下是三篇英语作文,供大家参考。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。