对大学生兼职的看法英语作文?My cousin will do some part-time jobs on weekends or holidays when he is in college.我的表哥在读大学的期间,在周末或者是假期会做一些兼职的工作。那么,对大学生兼职的看法英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



Part-time jobs are becoming more and more popular with college students. There are all sorts of part-time jobs available on and off campus, such as tutoring, sales, and food service.

Working a part-time job can have a number of benefits. First, it can help students earn extra money to pay for tuition, books, and living expenses. Second, it provides valuable work experience and skills that can help students in future careers. Finally, it can also be a great way to meet new people and make friends.

However, working a part-time job also requires time and energy. It can be difficult to balance work and school, and students may find themselves spending less time studying or relaxing. Additionally, some part-time jobs can be stressful or demanding, which can add to a student's already busy schedule.

Overall, while there are both benefits and drawbacks to working a part-time job while in college, many students find that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.





It is popular among university students to do part-time job. Is this behavior good or bad? Some people think it brings many advantages to the students, while there are another people consider that part-time job is not worth the candle. As far as I am concern, every coin has two sides. There are several reasons can support my point.


On the one hand, doing part-time job can earn some money, make more new friends and get some working experience. Though doing a part-time job after school can earn little money, that little money can reduce students’ family burden or let them have enough money to spend to enjoy more their college life.

In addition, doing part-time job in different places can contact with different people, which is sure to make more new friends. Moreover, students can get some working experience from their part-time job, which will not from school course teaching. This experience is good for their career after graduation.



My cousin will do some part-time jobs on weekends or holidays when he is in college.


Part-time work can not only make my cousin get a certain amount of money, but also make him make some necessary preparations for entering the society after graduation.


Counseling middle school students requires great patience for my cousin. More than 20 students often ask my cousin various questions, and my cousin must maintain a good order in class and answer the questions they don't understand one by one.



Nowadays, an increasing number of college students are doing part-time jobs. People hold different opinions on that.

Some people think that there are many advantages for college students to have part-time jobs. Firstly, part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities. Secondly, it enables them to be more independent of their family and builds up their self-confidence. Thirdly, part-time experiences may be of great help to their future careers. Finally, part-time jobs can broaden their college lives and help them know more of themselves and society.

However, some other people hold that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages. The main job of college students is to study, not to work. If they have part-time jobs, they may have to reduce their time for sleep, rest, study and activities. Working several hours a day consumes a lot of time and energy and may affect their studies. As a result, they may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of them as well as their employers expect, and finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies.

In my opinion, students can choose to take up a part-time job according to their own situation. The most important thing for them is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and his study.





兼职工作英语作文及翻译 篇1

Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job and this phenomenon arouses heated discussion in society. For my part, like a coin which has two sides, taking a part-time job has both its favorable and unfavorable aspects.

Firstly, taking a part-time job benefits students in two reasons. It enriches our skills as well as our pocket. Complaints about lack of practical skills are constantly heard from the society towards fresh graduates. And the best way to fill up the blank is to have a part-time job during school life. Students can enhance their skills by taking part-time job which is related to their major course. Moreover, students learn how to behave in an adults’ world, thus making them more sociable and mature. All these can not be learnt in textbook. Secondly, the direct benefit is gaining money, by which students can lower the financial burdens from their parents.

However, like a coin which has two sides, taking a part-time job also has its disadvantages. Taking a part-time job occupies students’ study time. Too many jobs may influence students’ academic behavior, thus the game isn’t worth the candle.

Last but not least, I believe that if student can have a good balance between part-time job and study. And the result should be satisfying.


