介绍自己教室的英语作文?s desk in front of it 这是我的房间。墙上有两块黑板。前面有一张老师的桌子。There are two doors and eight windows in the wall,too There are sixty-five desks and chairs in the classroom I like my classroom 墙上也有两扇门和八扇窗户。教室里有六十五张桌椅。我喜欢我的教室。那么,介绍自己教室的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



The classroom where I have classes every day is very spacious. My classroom can hold sixty people. The big blackboard in the classroom is a multimedia blackboard. The blackboard newspaper is painted on the ordinary blackboard at the back.

There are two air conditioners in the classroom. In summer, we turn on the air conditioner every day to relieve the heat. I love my classroom.





This is my claeeroom There are two blackboards on the wall There is a teacher's desk in front of it


There are two doors and eight windows in the wall,too There are sixty-five desks and chairs in the classroom I like my classroom



This is my classroom.这是我的教室

It's very large, bright and clean.它很大,很明亮又干净

There are many chairs and desks in it.教室里有许多椅子和课桌

There is a blackboard in the front.前面有一个黑板

There is a TV set near the teacher's desk. 在老师的课桌旁有一台电视

There are two doors in the classroom.教室里有两扇门

Some pictures are on the walls. 一些图画在墙上

They are about our studies and hobbies.它们是关于我们的学习和爱好的

There are three lights on the roof.棚顶有三盏灯

There are three windows in the wall. 墙上有三扇窗户

I stay with my teachers and classmates in it every day.每天我和我的老师和同学呆在一起

I love my classroom.我爱我的教室

I love my class.我爱我的班级


This is my classrom.There are some desk there.On the desk,there are many books.In the front of the classroom,there is a blackboard.And we can write down wrods in it.So this is my classroom.




Myclassroomisniceandbig . Therearefortydesksandchairsintheclassroom. Therearetwoblackboardsonthewalls.Andtherearetwopictures,too. Myclassroomhaselevenlightsandtwelvefans.What colourarethefans ? Theyareblue.Attheconer,thereisa shelf , manybooksareintheshelf.Ilikethebooksverymuch.

Thisismyclassroom , itisvery nice. Ilikemyclassroomverymuch .Doyouhaveaniceclassroom, too ?



以上就是介绍自己教室的英语作文的全部内容,classroom. In summer, we turn on the air conditioner every day to relieve the heat. I love my classroom.我每天上课的教室很宽敞。我的教室可以容纳六十个人。教室的大黑板是一个多媒体黑板。后面的普通黑板画着黑板报。教室里面有两台空调。夏天的时候我们每天都会开空调解暑。我爱我的教室。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。