

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

Saving Land for Endangered Animals

There is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is limited. Some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should come first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered animals. I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world’s animals for the following reasons.

First, mankind’s need for land is constantly growing. If the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth’s available land. At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable resources. Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways. Animals are unable to do this. Once their land is taken away from them they will die. Third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our planet. If they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will be. Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected.

To sum up, the world’s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them. Although mankind’s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use. In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the same time.





鱼儿点缀了河流的生机,鸟儿舞动了天空的活力,动物演绎了大山的朝气,地球的美丽因有万物的存在,世界动物日,爱护动物,愿地球家园更繁荣!一起来看看演讲保护动物英语 作文 5篇,欢迎查阅!


December 4th, 2012, will be the first-ever Wildlife Conservation Day. Ourgoal is to inform more people about this global conservation crisis. Attacks onrhinos and elephants are multiplying at an alarming rate. Species around theglobe such as tigers in Asia are endangered. By some estimates, the black marketfor wildlife trafficking is rivaled in size only by the illegal arms and drugtrade. The slaughter of endangered species robs communities of income fromtourism, reduces biodiversity, encourages corruption, undermines goodgovernance.

That's why we are training officials and educating prosecutors aboutwildlife crimes and helping countries strengthen their enforcement laws. But wecan’t do this without you. Please, join us. Become part of the solution. Youhave the choice to refuse to purchase products made from endangered wildlife.Together we can save these animals before it is too late. Stand up and speakout, and stop this trade. Visit the website Take the pledge to respect andprotect the world’s wildlife.


I am very glad to give a speech today.The topic of my speech is theanimal.I always think that animals are the friends of our human beings.They arenot so complicated as our people,and they can always bring us plenty ofhappiness and satisfaction.

Since I was a child,I have been keeping animals,such as cats,dogs,ducks andso on.Sometimes I feel a little troublesome to feed them,but everytime I thinkabout the happiness they have brought to my family,I will find that it is worthdoing it in spite of so much hard working.You can imagine that,when you comehome with your tired body,dogs are rushing at you and swinging their tailshappily.That kind of warm feeling can be only brought by the pets.

Both the domestic animals and the wild animals are lovely.However,they arebeing treated cruelly by lots of people at present.I can't understand thosepeople.You may not like animals,even you could hate them,but you have no rightsto hurt them.

Every life of the living creatures is equal.Every life of them has theright to live happily.Human beings mustn't hurt those innocent creatures for ourpersonal desire.

Animals regard us as their friends,so we should let them enjoy their happylives too.

Now,that is all of my speech today.Thanks for your listening.










Why Protect Animals?

Animals are an important part of our world. They provide us with food, clothing, and even companionship. However, the relationship between humans and animals is not always positive. Many animals are hunted or mistreated for human benefit. This can upset the delicate balance of our ecosystem and harm our planet as a whole. Therefore, it is our moral responsibility to protect animals.

Firstly, animals play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Each species has its unique place in the food chain. If one species disappears, it can affect the entire ecosystem. For example, if bees were to become extinct, it would have a devastating impact on agriculture because they are responsible for pollination. Therefore, protecting animals helps to preserve the natural environment and prevent ecological disasters.

Secondly, we have a moral obligation to treat animals with respect and compassion. They are sentient beings that can feel pain and suffer just like humans. It is cruel to cause unnecessary harm to them for our own selfish desires. We should strive to minimize animal cruelty by promoting responsible pet ownership, reducing the consumption of animal products, and supporting animal welfare organizations.

In conclusion, protecting animals is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and fulfilling our moral responsibility towards other living beings. Let us all work together to create a world where humans and animals can coexist in harmony.








Many animals are in danger of dying out.As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue.From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared.Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger.It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality.Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future.





Following the rapid increase of the world population, more arable lands were required to feed those extra mouths and land to build on for them to live in. On top of that, more resource and energy were also needed to keep the world's industries going. Therefore a lot of natural habitat of wild life had been destroyed for the above reasons. If urgent measures are not being taken, then these wild life will extinct like those dinosaurs and dodo's. Many western civilised countries had set various of wild life protection societies. Even China are doing something to keep the pandas from disappearing from the Earth's surface. India and Bangladesh are paying a lot of attention to their tigers too. But if people want to keep their other panies on Earth then there are still a lot of works have to be done.


There used to be many kinds of birds which are pests for protected crops. They are good friends at present.But the number of the birds has been greatly reduced because too much poison is used. As the result, the numberof the pests has increased.The peasants spent a lot of money and time in killing them every year.But it is still hard to eliminate them.Now you can see how poor it is for us to protect wild animals and to keep the balance of nature.Only that everyone know these can we live on a beautiful lives.


